
Mi primera presentación en público en el doctorado

Foto de Dan Dimmock en Unsplash

Hace varios meses que no actualizo cómo va mi aventura por acá en Bélgica con el proyecto y el doctorado. Las cosas han ido mejorando, entiendo más del tema y del proyecto, ya estoy más tranquilo y estoy comenzando a tener más tiempo para las cosas que hacía antes cuando estaba en Colombia, como mis publicaciones en redes sociales y mis hobbies.

Ojalá la situación se mantenga así.

En abril de 2024 tuve mi primera presentación. Fue en el marco del Naval R&T Symposium 2024.

Acá la descripción de la presentación:


The Sub-Bottom Scanning Sonar (SBSS) is a project involving several companies and institutions, with the Royal Military Academy participating in the implementation of an acoustic scattering model for objects partially or completely buried in the seabed, and employing Machine Learning techniques for the detection and classification tasks of the targets.

Additional Description

Today, there are still hundreds of thousands of mines and UXOs (Unexploded Ordnances) in the sea, many of which are historical bombs that pose a danger to both civilian and military activities. Due to sea currents and sediment movements, mines and UXOs placed on the seabed can be buried at various depths, representing an additional hazard for offshore operations.

Furthermore, in the field of naval mine countermeasures (MCM), buried mines are a capability gap for European Navies and, more broadly, for navies worldwide, as there is currently no strategy capable of detecting buried objects by mapping large underwater areas reliably and quickly.

To tackle this issue, it is proposed to use low-frequency SONAR to track these mines, which may be buried or concealed by seabed vegetation or rocks. The acoustic frequency response at low frequencies of an elastic object can be utilized for its detection and identification, taking into account the effects that arise when the object is partially or completely buried.

Sub-bottom Scanning Sonar (SBSS) for underwater buried target detection — Royal Military Academy (

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